Monday, October 12, 2009


Hello from unsunny California! In fact, very unsunny. The major storm that was predicted is supposed to hit at any time with high winds (ugh) and lots of rain. Not sure what that will do to our plans for tomorrow but if we have to we can hang out in our lovely room.

Actually, the above photo was taken this afternoon while we toured the prison on the Island of Alcatraz. The room above is a typical cell, 5 ft wide, 8 ft high and 9 feet long. No view of other prisoners and most had no direct sunlight. Prisoners sat in these cells for 23 hours a day. Solitary confinement was even worse than this! The prison was closed in 1963.

It's impossible to spend time in San Francisco and not enjoy the wonderful cuisine. Zeus enjoyed a great dish of spaghetti and salmon while I enjoyed a very different and delicious lasagna. The sourdough bread here is to die for! Ummmm! I could eat it with every meal. And it goes without saying that dessert came from Ghirardelli Square. Now I just need to keep that ribbon tied tightly.

We took a couple of rides on cable cars in our outings. They are not as "friendly" as our Trax and Frontrunner systems back home.

However, they do produce trollified pennies just as well as our traxified pennies!

$.04 and one trollified penny
Update, Tues AM: It's raining and blowing, expected to continue all day. We have some interesting places to visit, all indoors and in the city. It's a good thing the hair was cut before leaving home.


KFinley said...

That is one disgusting cell...yuck! I hope the weather holds out for you!

Eris said...

Keep having fun! We miss you!

J said...

Hope you didn't need to use the toilet while you were on the tour :) Glad you're having fun!

Just Casi said...

I have some of the SAME pics!! I wish we were there at the same time!!