Sunday, April 13, 2008

Kid Magnets

No, not the things that decorate your refrigerator. A kid magnet is the person who walks into a room and any child that is present is instantly drawn to her as if by some magical force. Amy is our kid magnet.

Yesterday afternoon we got to spend some time with Amy. When Little Ms. Eris arrived she ran into the house and jumped up into Amy's arms. Littlest Ms. Eris also hung onto her legs until I pried them all apart. It didn't take long until the three of them disappeared. I found them in the bedroom where some serious fairy tale reading was taking place. When it was time for Eris and Co. to leave Little Ms. Eris started to cry. No, make that sob. The playtime with Amy just wasn't long enough.

On the way to meet Don, Jodi and Ryan for dinner we stopped to see Athena and her gang. Again, laughing and smiles all around. (Love the new "do", Jubee!)
Bubba even tore himself away from his adorable girlfriend (that's a story for another blog) to give her a big hug.

Five years ago Amy lived with us for about 18 months. She is Zeus' granddaughter. Even after all that time we couldn't come up with a satisfactory description for our relationship and often just told people that I was her parole officer. (Actually, that is a pretty close description!) Last year she moved to Colorado so our time with her is limited. Yesterday was wonderful and we can't wait to see her again!

Hurry back! We miss you!




1 comment:

Dawn said...

I am here via Karen's blog. She has an award on her blog for you.

You have a very nice blog and I am sure I will be back.