Last week I took my three preschoolers to our local Nature Center for a Pee Wee Pow Wow. The kids were treated to an hour of stories, song and art projects. They sat around a campfire where they learned about Native Americans and tasted journey cakes. They gathered in a tee pee where a coyote told them how he got his name. The kids loved it.
Earlier that morning before leaving the house the Princess found a rock on Grandpa's dresser and asked him what it meant. Later, as we were entering the Nature Center she found a similar rock and picked it up, telling me it was her Gratitude Rock. Not sure I heard her correctly, she repeated "It's my Gratitude rock" and then put the rock into her pocket.
This morning I am warm and comfortable inside my home while on the other side of the window, just two feet away it is bitter cold. There is food in my pantry, clothing in my closet and a car in my garage. There are piles of scrapbooks that tell the stories of the memorable experiences that have been shared with those I love.
Lately my emotions have bubbled up to the surface, something that is not a common occurrence. I am profoundly aware that I'm a lucky woman with a wonderful husband. I am surrounded by incredible daughters, treasured grandchildren, loving family and forever friends. I have been fortunate to watch them grow up and be part of their lives, hopefully creating lasting memories that they will cherish as much as I do.
Gratitude. It is a powerful word.
(More photos of the Pow Wow here.)